Happy New Year Everyone! I know I am one day late with this post but Oh well, at least I spent yesterday doing things for myself.
This year I have made several new years resolutions and have VOWED to KEEP THEM.(especially number 1). So without further ado here they are:
1. Do More PROJECTS and things for MYSELF.
(I often spend more/most of my time making projects for everyone else except for myself because I can'tt say NO. But this year I have vowed to make/decorate less cakes for everyone since I have been getting burned out and less projects unless its a project for someone that I REALLY want to do and that will not be STRESSFUL. I spent may times this year stressing out over projects that were not mine). I plan on joining more swaps I want to participate in and completing my OWN projects. I plan on joining your paper pantry and participating in some fun challenges.
2. Focus more on my fitness and weightloss. While this is a goal I have accomplished the past couple years (I have lost 60lbs and kept it off). I had fallen just a little bit since I used to go to the gym 6 days a week has fallen to about 4 days a week when Lana started kindergartena and I had to get on a new schedule. Since we have now been in the groove its time to lose those last 15 or so lbs I want to before pool season.
These are really my only 2 new years resolutions this year. My main focus and not to STRESS myself out so much over other peoples projects this year.
Worthy goals.......and healthy ones, too! Mental and physical.