Monday, September 3, 2012

Addicting iPad app

I'm trying to keep more updated with my blogs which can be a real challenge with working full time and doing the tons of other stuff. By the time I normally get to blog I'm tired. So for a short post today I thought I'd blog about my current favorite app ( I was going to blog about our four wheeling adventure Saturday but that will take way too long for today).

Hay day is my current favorite app. It's also Mary, Lana and my friend Chris's favorite app. Let me tell you it is addicting and a great time waster lol. While at Mary's I even had all 3 iPads in my lap checking them all. Lol

It sure is fun making different items, harvesting crops for your customers

My newest addition to my farm is the ice cream maker took me a few days to buy that sucker. Lol

That's all for now I plan on getting the four wheeler post up this week.

1 comment:

  1. I have an almost obsolete flip phone! But someday I am going to get me a 'fancy phone!'
    Then I will get onboard with modern technology!
